Nebulae near the hot Wolf-Rayet star BAT99-2 in the LMC
Three-colour composite image of the highly excited nebula near the Wolf-Rayet (WR) star BAT99-2 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), obtained in January 2002 with the FORS1 multi-mode instrument at the 8.2-m VLT MELIPAL telescope at the Paranal Observatory (Chile). It is based on three exposures through narrow-band optical (interference) filters that isolate the light from specific atoms and ions. In this rendering, the blue colour represents the light from singly ionized Helium (He II; wavelength 468.6 nm; exposure time 60 min), green corresponds to doubly ionized oxygen ([O III]; 495.7 + 500.7 nm; 5 min) and red to hydrogen atoms (H; H-alpha line at 656.2 nm; 5 min). Of these three ions, He II is the tracer of high excitation, i.e. the bluest areas of the nebula are the hottest. The sky field measures 400 x 400 square arcsec; the original pixel size on the 2k x 2k CCD is 0.23 arcsec. North is up and east to the left. Before combination, the CCD frames were flat-fielded and cleaned of cosmic-rays. Moreover, the stars in the blue (He II) image were removed in order to provide a clearer view of the surrounding nebular emission. The reproduced brightness is proportional to the square-root of the actual intensity; this increases the "dynamical range" of the image, i.e. it shows better areas of very different brightness.
Om billedet
Id: | eso0310b |
Type: | Observation |
Udgivelsesdato: | 9. april 2003 |
Relaterede pressemeddelelser: | eso0310 |
Størrelse: | 1918 x 1911 px |
Om objektet
Navn: | BAT99-2, LMC |
Type: | Local Universe : Star : Type : Wolf-Rayet Local Universe : Star : Grouping : Binary Local Universe : Nebula |
Afstand: | 180000 lysår |
Constellation: | Dorado |
Kategori: | Nebulae |
Position (RA): | 4 49 35.71 |
Position (Dec): | -69° 20' 48.88" |
Field of view: | 6.65 x 6.62 arcminutes |
Orientering: | Nord er 0.0° droite fra lodret |
Farver & filtre
Bånd | Bølgelængde | Teleskop |
Optisk Heiii | 468 nm | Very Large Telescope FORS1 |
Optisk Oiii | 495 nm | Very Large Telescope FORS1 |
Optisk Oiii | 500 nm | Very Large Telescope FORS1 |
Optisk H-alpha | 656 nm | Very Large Telescope WFI |