Winners of the 2015 European Union Contest for Young Scientists Announced
25. september 2015
Between the 17 and 21 September 2015, over 169 young scientists aged between 14 and 20 presented a total of 103 projects from 39 countries to a panel of international judges at the Fabbrica del Vapore in Milan, Italy. This was the 27th time that the European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS) contest had been held, and this year's contest was the largest in its history of over three decades. The winners have now been announced.
The three first prizes of €7000 each were awarded to Sanath Kumar Devalapurkar from the USA for “On the Stability and Algebraicity of Algebraic K-theory”, Michał Bączyk and Paweł Piotr Czyż from Poland for “The studies of behaviour of single and coupled on-off type oscillators on the example of bottle oscillators” and Lukas Stockner from Germany for “Statistical modeling of volume-scattered light”. The second prizes (€5000) went to teams from Austria, Russia and Poland, and the third prizes (€3500) were given to projects from New Zealand, Germany and Estonia.
As a member of the EIROforum, the group of eight major European Intergovernmental Research Organisations, ESO donated a special prize for the best project in the field of astronomical and space physics. Paulina Drożak of Poland was the winner in this category. She will receive a trip to ESO’s sites in Chile, including visits to the Paranal Observatory and the ESO facilities in Santiago for her project on the relationship between temperature anomalies on Earth and solar activity. The trip will offer her unique insights into life at the most advanced astronomical observatories in the world, a dream experience that could inspire Paulina to pursue astronomy and astrophysics in the future.
Set up in 1989, the EUCYS aims to promote the ideals of cooperation and interchange between young scientists and guide them towards future careers in science and technology. There were 22 judges, two of which came from EIROforum institutes.
Richard Hook
ESO Public Information Officer
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6655
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