Café & Kosmos 10 July 2012
String theory: unde venis et quo vadis?
6. juli 2012
with Dr Ralph Blumenhagen (Max Planck Institute for Physics)
String theory is a framework for a unified description of all forms of matter, and of all the interactions between them. It started with a very simple theory, namely that all the fundamental objects are tiny, oscillating strings. The mathematical analysis of that hypothesis leads to a completely new approach to theoretical physics, in which our common notions of space and time are completely challenged.
The Strings 2012 conference will take place in Munich at the end of July, and will bring together the world specialists in string theory. On 10 July 2010, Dr Ralph Blumenhagen (Max Planck Institute for Physics) will discuss the themes and the future results that he expects from this exciting research field with Café & Kosmos guests.
Please note that the Café & Kosmos events take place in German.
What: String theory
When: Tuesday, 10 July 2012, 19:00 until approximately 20:30
Where: Vereinsheim, Occamstr. 8, 80802 München, near Münchener Freiheit
Olivier Hainaut
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 3200 6752
Hannelore Hämmerle
Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik / Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik
Garching bei München, Germany
Tel: +49 89 30 000 3980
Om meddelelsen
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