Out There: The Quest for Extrasolar Worlds
A production by The Swiss Museum of Transport Planetarium in cooperation with NCCR PlanetS and the European Southern Observatory (ESO)
The download of the main 4k frames zip file is password protected. Visitor should use the Out there - Screening request Form to get the password (in case of problems please email Marc Horat).
Visitors should Download the international version and the localization needed. Then copy the content of the localization folder to the international folder and replace the frames.
The material is released under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
- Out There trailer in English language
- Out There trailer in German language
- Out There full dome trailer in English language
Extra Files
Movie poster
- Poster in English for download
- Auxiliary files (.psd, .tif, .jpg, .png) in various languages (English, German, French, Italian): poster_keyviz.zip (185,4 MB)
Localisation files. Frames with overlay text in different languages. Visitors should download the international version and the localisation needed. Then copy the content of the localisation folder to the international folder and replace the frames:
- OutThere_Localization_en.zip (English, 3.13 GB)
- OutThere_Localization_de.zip (German, 10.29 GB)
- OutThere_Localization_fr.zip (French, 3.26 GB)
- OutThere_Localization_it.zip (Italian, 3.18 GB)
Localisation 8k files
- OutThere_Localization_en-8k.zip (English, 6.84 GB)
- OutThere_Localization_de-8k.zip (German, 20.8 GB)
- OutThere_Localization_fr-8k.zip (French, 7.16 GB)
- OutThere_Localization_it-8k.zip (Italian, 6.98 GB)
- OutThere_Localization_zh-8k.zip (Chinese, 4.00 GB)
The show is also available in 8K/60fps and 4K/60fps. If you are interested in one of those, please reach out to the producer (Marc Horat, marc.horat@verkehrshaus.ch). He will send you an HDD with the necessary files in exchange of a small technical and shipping fee.
Kredit:Director and Executive Producer: Marc Horat
Audio Recording and Postproduction: Ueli Thalmann
Music: Patrick Habermacher & Ueli Thalmann
Narration Editing: Lukas Thalmann
Recorded at: Thalmann Synchrontonstudio, Lucerne, Switzerland
Production Support: Ueli Thalmann, Lars Lindberg Christensen (ESO), Guido Schwarz (NCCR PlanetS/Universität Bern), Willy Benz (NCCR PlanetS/Universität Bern), Pierre Bratschi (NCCR PlanetS/Université de Genève)
Storyline: Marc Horat
Proof Reading German: Ueli Thalmann, Iris Kronenberg and Willy Benz, Christoph Mordasini, Sylviane Blum (Universität Bern/NCCR PlanetS)
German Voices: Irina Schönen & Thomas C. Gass
English Script and Proof Reading: Tom Barrat, Lars Lindberg Christensen, Paola Amico (ESO) and Marc Horat
English Voices: Anne Wilde & Trevor John Roling
French Translation: Lionel Ruiz (Planétarium de Marseille), Frédéric Graf (Stardome Aigle), Jean-Yves Marchal (Université de Strasbourg) & Pierre Valat (GAP 47 Montayral)
French Voices: Jeanne Ferreux & Olivier Vuille
Italian Translation: Cristiana Cattaneo & Matteo Soldi (Planetario e Osservatorio Astronomico di Cà del Monte)
Italian Voices: Christiane De Micheli & Alessandro Tini
Japanese Translation: MiC PARIS © 2017
Mandarin version produced by: China Science and Technology Museum, Bejing
Produced by: Planetarium of Kazan Federal University
Translation: Ildar Garaev
Editor: Dr. Roman Zhuchkov, Associate Prof. of Kazan Federal University Astronomy and Space Geodesy Department
Sound: Ildar Garaev
Narrators: Sergey Golovkin, Endzhe Badretdinova, Marat Zagidullin, Venera Berdnikova
Urdu Translation:
Supervisor/Producer: Shoaib Shamsi, Department of Physics, Lahore University of Management Sciences
3D Modeling and Texturing:
Probes, Images, Comics & Books: Luis Calçada (ESO)
CHEOPS model: provided by the European Space Agency (ESA), Textures by Luis Calçada (ESO)
Real time astronomy models and digital starfields: Digistar 5 from Evans & Sutherland
Kuiper belt (L7 data): Justin Bartel (Science Museum of Viginia), Kavelaars et al. (2009), Petit et al (2010) & Gladman et al. (2010)
Open Clusters: Dias W. S., Alessi B. S., Moitinho A. and Lépine J. R. D. (2002)
Globular Clusters: William E. Harris, McMaster University
Tully Database: Brent Tully, Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaii
The Digital Universe: American Museum of Natural History
Image Credits and Sources:
Panorama Gornergrat, Zermatt: Markus Eichenberger
Panorama Bern: Jürg Gosswiler
360° footage Genève & Bern: Marc Horat
MRO, Pathfinder, MSL, Spirit & Opportunity: NASA/JPL
Mars Express: ESA
Mars map: Giovanni Schiaparelli
Exoplanet images: ESO VLT, ALMA & La Silla Observatories, NASA, ESA & P. Kalas (University of California, Berkeley and SETI Institute)
War of the worlds illustrations: Alvim Corrêa
VLT & ALMA Timelapses: ESO/T.Matsopoulos
Exoplanet Detection Methods: NASA Kepler Mission/Dana Berry, ESO/L. Calçada
Exoplanet Dataset: PHL (University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo, 2016)
Books & Texts:
L’histoire comique contenant les états et empires de la lune: Cyrano de Bergerac, National Library of France
竹取物語 (The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter)
Somnium: Johannes Kepler
"Ruby amphitheater" published in the New York Sun
Ἀληθῆ διηγήματα: Lucian of Samosata
The Man in the Moone: Francis Godwin
Radio play inspired by War of the Worlds (H.G. Wells, Orson Welles & Howard E. Koch)
Comics inspired by golden age originals published by Avon & Planet Comics, edited by Luis Calçada (ESO)
Created with Evans & Sutherland Digistar 5
O videu
Id: | OutThere |
Datum zveřejnění: | 15. května 2017 18:00 |
Doba trvání: | 30 m 27 s |
Frame rate: | 30 fps |
O objektu
Typ: | Milky Way : Star : Circumstellar Material : Planetary System |
Kategorie: | Fulldome |