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Celebrating the night
In this panorama, extended to 360 x 180 degrees (with black) version, two of the four small Auxiliary Telescopes stand beside their larger counterparts, the four Unit Telescopes of the ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile. In this fantastic moonlit world, the line of the Milky Way splits the sky, under which the faint blotches of our neighbouring dwarf galaxies — the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds — are just visible. The photographer celebrates the sky from atop a platform.
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Kredit:ESO/B. Tafreshi
O snímku
Id: | nik7600p-cc-extended |
Typ: | Fotografický |
Datum zveřejnění: | 4. října 2016 11:26 |
Velikost: | 19228 x 9614 px |
Field of View: | 360° x 180° |
O objektu
Jméno: | Auxiliary Telescopes, Very Large Telescope |
Typ: | Unspecified : Technology : Observatory : Telescope |
Kategorie: | 360 Panorama Paranal |