ESOcast 44: Changing Views -- Special 50th anniversary episode #4
Leading up to ESO’s 50th anniversary in October 2012, we are releasing eight special ESOcasts, each a chapter from the movie Europe to the Stars -- ESO’s First 50 Years of Exploring the Southern Sky.
ESOcast 44 — entitled Changing Views — is the fourth special episode of this series. Since its birth, fifty years ago, ESO has helped to improve our knowledge of the Universe by means of successive generations of powerful optical ground-based telescopes. But there are other ways to collect the light from distant objects. In this episode, we discover how ESO has helped astronomers to explore the Universe at longer wavelengths, such as the infrared and radio regimes.
More episodes of the ESOcast are also available.
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Crédit:An ESO production
Directed by: Lars Lindberg Christensen
Art Direction, Production Design: Martin Kornmesser
Producer: Herbert Zodet
Written by: Govert Schilling
3D animations and graphics: Martin Kornmesser & Luis Calçada
Editing: Martin Kornmesser
Cinematography: Herbert Zodet & Peter Rixner
Sound engineer: Cristian Larrea
Audio Mastering: Peter Rixner
Host & Lead Scientist: Dr J (Dr Joe Liske, ESO)
Narration: Sara Mendes da Costa
Soundtrack & Sound Effects: movetwo — Axel Kornmesser & Markus Löffler & zero-project (
Proof reading: Anne Rhodes
Technical support: Lars Holm Nielsen, Raquel Yumi Shida & Mathias Andre
DVD Authoring: Andre Roquette
Executive producer: Lars Lindberg Christensen
Footage and photos:
Christoph Malin (
Babak Tafreshi/TWAN
Stéphane Guisard (
José Francisco Salgado (
Alexandre Santerne
Nick Risinger (
Martin Kornmesser
Herbert Zodet
J. Dommaget/J. Boulon/J. Doornenbal/W. Schlosser/F.K. Edmondson/A. Blaauw/Rademakers/R. Holder
Daniel Crouch/Rare Books (
Getty Images
Royal Astronomical Society/Science Photo Library
Jay M. Pasachoff
Chris de Coning/South African Library/Warner-Madear
Africana Museum/Warner
Leiden University
G. Brammer
Mauricio Anton/Science Library
NASA/Spitzer Science Center/R. Hurt
VISTA/J. Emerson
Digitized Sky Survey 2
MPE/S. Gillessen/M. Schartmann
Rainer Lenzen/MPIA Heidelberg
West-Eastern Divan Orchestra in Berlin by KolBerlin
Davide De Martin
Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit
IDA/Danish 1.5 m/R. Gendler and C. Thöne
Mario Nonino, Piero Rosati and the ESO GOODS Team
The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope
Matthias Maercker
Igor Chekalin
Hans-Hermann Heyer
Edmund Janssen
Luis Calçada
Scott Kardel
Tom Jarrett,
Kevin Govender
Sergey Stepanenko
T. Preibisch
R. Fosbury (ST-ECF)
OmegaCen/Astro-WISE/Kapteyn Institute
A. Fujii
J.-B. Le Bouquin et al.
D. Coe (STScI)/J. Merten (Heidelberg/Bologna)
Gemini Observatory/NRC/AURA/Christian Marois et al.
M. Janson
Jean-Luc Beuzit
IAC (SMM) and ESPRESSO consortium
T.M. Brown (STScI)
World Wide Telescope
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ESOcast SD (Standard Definition - 640 x 480)
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ESOcast SD (Standard Definition) in Apple Podcasts