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Comparisons between parts of the Messier 78 region in visible and infrared light
These comparison cutouts show how differently parts of this rich star-forming complex in Orion appear at different wavelengths. In the infrared images from the VISTA telescope (lower row) the dust is much more transparent than in the visible light pictures from the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope (upper row).
Crédit:ESO/Igor Chekalin
À propos de l'image
Identification: | eso1635c |
Type: | Collage |
Date de publication: | 5 octobre 2016 12:00 |
Communiqués de presse en rapport: | eso1635 |
Taille: | 5116 x 3804 px |
À propos de l'objet
Nom: | M 78, Messier 78 |
Type: | Solar System : Nebula : Type : Star Formation |
Catégorie: | Nebulae Stars |