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Comparison of HST and NACO image of NGC 3603
Direct comparison of two images of the same region in NGC 3603 (animated GIF). One taken with the HST (extracted from archival data) and one taken with NAOS-CONICA at the VLT. This comparison dramatically shows the potential of Adaptive Optics. (HST is operated by NASA and ESA.)
À propos de l'image
Identification: | eso0137f |
Type: | Observation |
Date de publication: | 3 décembre 2001 |
Communiqués de presse en rapport: | eso0137 |
Taille: | 400 x 397 px |
À propos de l'objet
Nom: | NGC 3603 |
Type: | Milky Way : Nebula : Type : Star Formation |
Distance: | 20000 années lumière |
Catégorie: | Nebulae |
Fonds d'écran
Couleurs & filtres
Domaine | Longueur d'onde | Télescope |
Infrarouge I | 814 nm | Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 |
Infrarouge K | Very Large Telescope NACO |