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Cluster of galaxies-1ESO657-55
Colour composite image of the galaxy cluster 1ES 0657-558, based on data taken in the B (blue; exposure 900 sec), V (green; 600 sec), R (red; 500 sec) and I (near-infrared; 600 sec) filters with FORS1 in the standard observing mode at the VLT UT1. A few of the brighter stars in the field saturated the CCD during the exposure; their images have been cleaned in this reproduction. North is up and East is left.
Über das Bild
ID: | eso9920u |
Typ: | Beobachtung |
Veröffentlichungsdatum: | 27. Februar 1999 |
Dazugehörige Veröffentlichungen: | eso9920, eso9919 |
Größe: | 2468 x 3443 px |
Über das Objekt
Name: | 1ES 0657-558 |
Typ: | Early Universe : Galaxy : Grouping : Cluster |
Entfernung: | z=0.29 (Rotverschiebung) |
Constellation: | Carina |
Kategorie: | Galaxy Clusters |
Position (RA): | 6 58 29.59 |
Position (Dec): | -55° 56' 39.48" |
Field of view: | 2.30 x 2.78 arcminutes |
Orientierung: | Die Nordrichtung liegt 0.3° links zur Vertikale |
Farben & Filter
Spektralbereich | Teleskop |
Optisch B | Very Large Telescope FORS1 |
Optisch V | Very Large Telescope FORS1 |
Optisch R | Very Large Telescope FORS1 |
Infrarot I | Very Large Telescope FORS1 |