Pandora’s Cluster (combined Hubble and VLT view)
This image of galaxy cluster Abell 2744 combines data from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope’s Advanced Camera for Surveys, with an image taken with the ESO VLT. Hubble provides the central, most detailed part of the image, while the VLT offers a wider field of view.
This object has been nicknamed Pandora’s Cluster because of the many different and strange phenomena that were unleashed by a huge collision that occurred over a period of 350 million years. A simultaneous pile-up between at least four separate clusters has produced strange effects that have never been seen together before.
Bildnachweis:NASA, ESA, ESO and D. Coe (STScI)/J. Merten (Heidelberg/Bologna)
Über das Bild
ID: | eso1120c |
Typ: | Beobachtung |
Veröffentlichungsdatum: | 22. Juni 2011 15:00 |
Dazugehörige Veröffentlichungen: | eso1120 |
Größe: | 8068 x 8067 px |
Über das Objekt
Name: | Abell 2744 |
Typ: | Early Universe : Galaxy : Grouping : Cluster |
Entfernung: | z=0.308 (Rotverschiebung) |
Constellation: | Sculptor |
Kategorie: | Galaxies |
Position (RA): | 0 14 20.51 |
Position (Dec): | -30° 23' 57.19" |
Field of view: | 6.72 x 6.72 arcminutes |
Orientierung: | Die Nordrichtung liegt 0.0° links zur Vertikale |
Farben & Filter
Spektralbereich | Wellenlänge | Teleskop |
Optisch V | Very Large Telescope FORS1 | |
Optisch B | 435 nm | Hubble Space Telescope ACS |
Optisch R | Very Large Telescope FORS1 | |
Optisch V | 606 nm | Hubble Space Telescope ACS |
Infrarot I | Very Large Telescope FORS1 | |
Optisch I | 814 nm | Hubble Space Telescope ACS |