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Planets everywhere
This artists’s cartoon view gives an impression of how common planets are around the stars in the Milky Way. The planets, their orbits and their host stars are all vastly magnified compared to their real separations. A six-year search that surveyed millions of stars using the microlensing technique concluded that planets around stars are the rule rather than the exception. The average number of planets per star is greater than one.
Bildnachweis:ESO/M. Kornmesser
Über das Video
ID: | eso1204a |
Veröffentlichungsdatum: | 5. Januar 2012 16:00 |
Dazugehörige Veröffentlichungen: | eso1204 |
Dauer: | 16 s |
Frame rate: | 30 fps |
Über das Objekt
Name: | Exoplanets |
Typ: | Solar System : Interplanetary Body Solar System : Interplanetary Body : Dwarf planet Milky Way : Star : Circumstellar Material : Planetary System |
Kategorie: | Exoplanets |