A quasar in different colours
GROND images of the quasar PKS 1251-407. GROND observes simultaneously through 7 different filters in the visible and near-infrared, providing 7 images of the same object. In this case, the quasar appears much fainter in the blue images (the so-called Lyman drop-out), an indication of the quasar's distance.
About the Image
Id: | eso0730b |
Type: | Observation |
Release date: | 6 July 2007 |
Related releases: | eso0730 |
Size: | 2781 x 387 px |
About the Object
Name: | PKS 1251-407 |
Type: | Early Universe : Galaxy : Activity : AGN : Quasar |
Distance: | z=4.46 (redshift) |
Category: | Quasars and Black Holes |
Colours & filters
Band | Telescope |
Optical | MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope GROND |
Infrared | MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope GROND |