EUROPEAN SL-9/JUPITER WORKSHOP, ESO, 13-15 February 1995 GENERAL INFORMATION =================== An international Workshop on the SL-9/Jupiter collision took place at the ESO Headquarters in Garching on February 13 - 15, 1995. More than 100 astronomers from all continents discussed the various aspects of this unique event, from the numerous multi-wavelength observations on the ground and in space to the subsequent difficult interpretation of the complex physical and chemical processes that took place in Jupiter's atmosphere. The 470-page volume with the Proceedings of this Workshop is now available (see below for ordering information). In order to make the essential information about this Workshop available as soon as possible, this WWW-area contains the ASCII texts of the Preface to the Proceedings and the Table of Contents, and the summary of the concluding round-table discussion in Postscript format. This paper will also appear in the March 1995 issue of the ESO Messenger. Also included here is a list of all observers with data on each impact. Note the information below about how to order the Proceedings volume. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Proceedings of the EUROPEAN SL-9/JUPITER WORKSHOP (ESO Conference and Workshop Proceedings no. 52) are now available. The price for the 470-page volume, edited by R.M. West and H. Boehnhardt, is DM 80.- (prepayment required). Payments have to be made to the ESO bank account 2102002 with Commerzbank Muenchen or by cheque, addressed to the attention of: ESO, Financial Services, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen, Germany. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------