Central Stars of PNe in the Magellanic Clouds
E. Villaver
StScI, Baltimore, MD, USA
The Central Stars (CSs) of Planetary Nebulae (PNe) can be used as
probes of fundamental processes in stellar evolution theory, mainly
because they are the progenitors of the white dwarf population and
they are the result of the heavy mass-loss during the Asymptotic Giant
Branch (AGB). The mass distribution of CSs of PNe and the upper
initial mass limit for the white dwarf production depends on a poorly
understood process: the mass-loss during the AGB phase, a mass-loss
which is also expected to change with metallicity. The Magellanic
Clouds (MCs) offer an unique opportunity to study the mass
distribution of CSs of PNe under different metallicity environments. I
will review studies of CSs of PNs in the MCs and I will present the
results from our recent work on the distribution of CSs masses in the
MCs, where CS masses can be determined with unprecedented accuracy
compared to in the Galaxy.