Deep PN surveys in galaxies beyond the Local Group
R. H. Mendez
Institute for Astronomy, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
In this talk I propose first of all to briefly review the basic survey
method for discovery of far away PNs and comment on the specific
problem of contamination of the surveys by background emission-line
galaxies and by H II regions that belong to the surveyed galaxy. As
illustration I expect to show PNs in NGC 300, a nearby late spiral,
and in two flattened elliptical galaxies: NGC 4697, at a distance of
about 10 Mpc, and NGC 1344 in Fornax.
The discovered PNs can be used in several ways. The initial
motivation was distance determination using the PN luminosity function
(PNLF) method of Ciardullo and Jacoby. Nowadays the emphasis is shifting
towards measuring PN radial velocities, which can provide important
information about angular momentum and dark matter distribution in
spheroidal galaxies.
I will describe an efficient method for radial velocity determination
using spectrographs like FORS at the VLT and FOCAS at the Subaru
telescope. Finally, I will report on our project of PN abundances in the
elliptical galaxy NGC 4697 (total exposure time: 3 VLT nights plus one
Keck night) and on what we can infer about metallicity and metallicity
gradient in this galaxy (a collaboration with Daniel Thomas and Roberto
Saglia, among others). The results we have obtained have a possible
incidence on the small but persistent systematic discrepancy between
PNLF distances and Surface Brightness Fluctuations (SBF) distances.