Surveys for Planetary Nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds
George H. Jacoby
WIYN Observatory, Tucson, Arizona, USA
As the nearest major hosts of extragalactic planetary nebulae, the
Magellanic Clouds have been the first and most frequent targets of
extragalactic PN surveys. I will review the unique roles that these
two samples of PN play in the context of extragalactic PN studies, and,
in particular, the extraordinary opportunities they offer for detailed
analyses of individual objects as representatives for stellar population
studies, and for the interplay between stellar and galactic evolution.
Surveys for PN in the Clouds, though, are challenged by their own set of
difficulties, such as rare contaminants (novae, SNRs, small HII regions,
diffuse ISM), they require large format cameras to completely cover
the necessary field of view, and follow-up confirmation and study is
complicated by field crowding. I will present cautionary examples of these
problems, as well.