Measuring kinematics in elliptical galaxies
N. Douglas
Kapteyn Institute, Groeningen, The Netherlands
Deriving the dynamical characteristics of elliptical galaxies is in many
respects more complicated than the analysis of spiral systems, especially
since the sole diagnostic has for a long time been the interpretation of
integrated stellar spectra. Some of the difficulties in carrying out such
an analysis will be made clear during the talks scheduled for later in
this session.
My goal in this talk is to review the techniques that have led to other
dynamical diagnostics becoming available, especially (but not solely) the
kinematics of the planetary nebula population. I will describe the
pioneering work involving fibre and multi-object spectroscopy, the
Fabry-Perot, and various forms of slitless spectroscopy. This will lead on
to a description of the Planetary Nebula Spectrograph and related
projects. I will conclude with a brief discussion of some observational
possibilities which have, as far as I know, not yet been exploited.