The Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function
R. Ciardullo
Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics,
Penn State University
The [O III] 5007A planetary nebula luminosity function (PNLF)
occupies an important place on the extragalactic distance ladder. Since
it is the only method that is applicable to all the large galaxies of
the Local Supercluster, it is uniquely useful for cross-checking results
and linking the Population I and Population II distance scales. We review
the basics of the method, speculate on its underlying physics, and demonstrate
its precision via internal and external comparisons. We then use the PNLF
to search for systematic offsets in the Cepheid, Surface Brightness
Fluctuation, and SN Ia distance scales. We conclude by suggesting other uses
of PN luminosity functions, such as studying the mass distribution of PN
central stars, and exploring the chemical evolution of galaxies.