The conference procceedings will be published by the U.S. Naval Observatory and a free copy will be sent to each participant. The Instructions for authors for IAU symposia will be used. Please follow guidelines at this website.
The Astronomical Society of the Pacific has graciously allowed us to use the IAU symposia guidelines although they are not publishing LISA IV volume in their conference procceedings series. We are grateful to them for the permission.
Both an electronic version of each paper using these guidelines and a paper copy as well should be sent to Liz Bryson <> Fax: 808-885-7288
The final deadline for all papers is August 15, 2002. Papers which are to appear in the published procceedins must be received by this date.
the LISA posters have dimensions 95 x 97 cm, i.e. 38" x 39", white polystyrene, wooden edge, pins available.
Following technique will be in the lecture hall for our disposal:
- overhead projector - slide (5x5 cm) projector - video projector (SVHS) parallel - data projector (BARCO) + computer - cinema - screen (7m wide) - 3x microphone - 2x wireless microphone - laser pointer, etc.
If you would like to submit an oral presentation or a poster paper please send your abstract by 22 February 2002. As Program Committee members come from different countries, submissions shall be in English. Abstract should be submitted according to the following guidelines:
- Language: English - Number of pages: 1 - Presentation: title in CAPITAL LETTERS, complete addresses (postal address, email and fax) of authors and co-authors. The main author's name should be underlined.
Abstracts should be sent:
- by e-mail as a Word or text file enclosure to the following SOC co-chair addresses:
Liz Bryson <> or
Francoise Genova <> - by fax to Liz Bryson (808) 885-7288